I had my orange around 10am, my chicken around 12:20pm and then I waited until 2pm to have the tomatoes. I think eating actually made me hungrier than I would have been, so I ended up having 2 Melba Snacks crackers around 3.
I got home and didn't rush right in and eat. I chatted on the phone, got in the shower, and then made my dinner of shrimp. My sugar-free Jell-O is still in my (coughcoughDisneyprincesscoughcough) lunch bag. I'll bring it tomorrow just in case I need it. Shortly I'll enjoy my apple.
What was weird was that sometime this afternoon, probably around 2, I got this rush of energy. It was like I was on a sugar high, but we know that wasn't the case. I read on several blogs that sometime around Day 8 or 9 people all of a sudden felt incredible clarity and energy. Just felt totally great. I'm definitely looking forward to that!
All in all, today was a better day, and I hope this is the beginning of a trend. One thing I'm not digging is the headache. I have had a righteous headache all day, but it wasn't as bad as yesterday, which ended up requiring Advil. I hope it goes away in the coming days.
I would also like to stop peeing so damn often. Seriously, I woke up TWICE last night to pee. I don't need a preview of what my old age is going to bring. I hear the peeing super often thing goes away after a bit, but I'm skeptical.
Looking back, if I were going to do this all over again (and I might), I'd have my fat-loading/binge days be Friday and Saturday, that way I'd have Sunday to just kick back and rest rather than trying to go to work like that. Pretty sure I can sit at a keyboard and shove my face at work as well as I can at home.
Anyway, to sum up, today has been SO MUCH BETTER than yesterday. I don't know that I could have gotten through another day like it. The really nice thing is that so many people at work are doing it. We're sharing the misery, and since some of us started earlier, I can see that they're still surviving. As with any diet or other challenging experience, it's nice to have people around who understand what you're going through and can help you cope. And who will steer you away from other friends and coworkers before you start gnawing on their limbs.
Today's Weight: 229.1 (-2.8lbs!)
I'm still craving Coke, and so you know how hard it is for me to give it up, I'll share a picture from a few years ago...
Yes, that is me kissing a bottle of Coke.
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