Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Days 44-47: This is it!

Today is my last day with dietary restrictions! Tomorrow I'm supposed to start introducing starches and sugars into my diet slowly. Obviously I've already had some carbs (Bagel Crisps are deceptively good, well, except for the cinnamon raisin ones) and a bit of sugar.

I'm trying to figure out what this is going to be like for me. I don't really have the urge to binge on sweets and breads and pasta. I would like a slice of pizza, and I'll be glad to have a sip of Coke without feeling any guilt. But all that Halloween candy that's still everywhere? Eh.

I was sure even a few weeks ago that I would be diving in with reckless abandon, but I'm just not interested. I suppose we'll see how I do when I'm actually put in the situation to choose!

I've spent some time recently trying to figure out what my body shape is. I have no idea why I have a minor obsession with this, but I do. I found an interesting article that outlines 12 shapes instead of the usual six. The article shows people in workout clothes so you can easily see their shape. I realized the best way for me to figure out my shape would be to take a picture of myself, from the front, and see which model it was closest to. So I did. Even after all this weight loss it's still not flattering, but I got a good look at my shape this way.

Though I clearly have some pounds to go, one thing struck me: I like my shape! I like the curves! That is a huge victory for me. 

My weight's still going down (with a quick spike from eating late at night - 8pm - okay late for me), and I'm okay with the progress. I'm still eating just when I'm hungry. A novel idea, I know.

Day 44: 207.0
Day 45: 205.9
Day 46: 207.7
Day 47: 205.5 - 26.6 pounds down from my initial weight!

Wish me luck as I venture into the lands of temptation. Cupcakes, though I love you, you will NOT defeat me!

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